UNOC22 Official Side Event: Evaluating Science, Valuing the Ocean

The field of ocean science is under great pressure to be simultaneously scientifically excellent, relevant to industry, and relevant to the future of the planet. Ocean scientists also face evaluative fixtures of the contemporary science system, such as the move to open science, responsible uses of output metrics, publishing requirements, and complex public-private funding arrangements. As we gather at the UN Ocean Conference to determine the ‘science we need for the ocean we want’, how can we ensure ocean scientists in all regions are equipped to provide us with the science we need? Does evaluation help or hinder ocean science to tackle the sustainable development goals?
This event occurred online on Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 13.30hrs (WEST/Lisbon time) as part of the Official Side Event Programme of the UN Ocean Conference 2022, jointly hosted by the Governments of Portugal and Kenya.
Thank you to everyone who attended! You can now find the recording of our discussion below.

Sarah de Rijcke
Professor of Science and Evaluation Studies, CWTS, Leiden University; PI of the ERC-funded project FluidKnowledge
Sheila Heymans
Executive Director, European Marine Board (EMB); Professor of Ecosystem Modelling at the University of Highlands & Islands and the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), Scotland
Sophie Seeyave
CEO, Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO)
Niall McDonough
Chair of the Management Board, Joint Programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI Oceans); Director of Policy, Innovation and Research Support Services, Marine Institute, Ireland
Rebecca Zitoun
Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOP) Network, Ocean Literacy Task Team (OLTT); European Marine Board Young Ambassador; Postdoctoral Researcher at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany