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FluidKnowledge Panels at EASST22


The FluidKnowledge team have been hard at work with our collaborators to organize three panels at the upcoming EASST conference, which will take place this July in Madrid. EASST is the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology, and is an important community for science study scholars across the continent. Team members Sarah de Rijcke and Sarah Rose Bieszczad are both members of the current council.

The panels are:

Susanne Koch, Technical University of Munich/ Stellenbosch University; Sarah de Rijcke, Sarah Rose Bieszczad; Judit Varga, Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS)/Leiden University

Science is ascribed a transformative role in tackling today’s multiple, interrelated socio-ecological crises. According to prevailing narratives and imaginaries in high-level documents (e.g. the Global Sustainable Development Report 2019), generating knowledge, providing evidence, and leveraging innovation stimulates the creation of pathways for tackling challenges like climate change, deforestation, soil degradation, and biodiversity loss both on land and underwater. Full abstract:

Judit Varga, Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University; Maximilian Fochler, Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna; Sarah Rose Bieszczad; Ismael Rafols; Sarah de Rijcke, Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University

Digital data, digital platforms and computational methods saturate knowledge practices that inform or constitute the imaginaries and infrastructures of our future. Examples include diversifying data about scientific practices (including scientometric, altmetric and webometric traces); online traces of collective discussions and commercial practices; and a growing range of digital platforms that coordinate environmental and socio-economic data, such as ongoing efforts by the European Union to create a digital twin of the ocean. Engaging with digital and computational ways of knowing is crucial for STS to study or intervene in them. Full abstract:

Thomas Franssen, Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) / Leiden University, The Netherlands; Anne Beaulieu, Knowledge Infrastructures Department, Campus Fryslân / University of Groningen, The Netherlands; Esther Turnhout, Science, Technology and Policy Studies/ University of Twente, The Netherlands

What is ‘good’ environmental knowledge? And what is a ‘good’ environmental scientist? These two questions are recurrently asked in assessments of environmental knowledge conducted by the IPCC or IPBESS, and assessments of environmental scientists by funding bodies, in yearly appraisals or national research evaluations like the UK REF. Full abstract:

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